The Perfect Method To Solve "More than" & "Less than" Questions

by Mrs Khoo

My daughter is in Pri 2 this year. Teaching her how to solve “more than, less than” Maths problem sums is nothing but nerve-wracking. I have tried at least 3 different methods (including her school teacher’s), but half of the time she would get the answer wrong.

Her frustration of tackling comparison sums continued until I found the perfect method in during the 3rd quarter of the year. I never knew that there were actually 12 different variations for comparison questions, and that all could be solved easily by using just one simple method! The most amazing thing was, after showing her in less than a minute how the method could be used to solve 1 question, she could painlessly apply it on her own to the rest of the 9 variations and get all the answers correct!

I just wish I had consulted this website much earlier.

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Feb 02, 2018
Question is not set correctly
by: Zach

Your question is flawed. It is set wrongly. 34 can never be less than 17. So to ask what number less than 17 is 34 is like asking for the impossible. Maybe the question should read as "17 is _________ less than 34"??

Jan 07, 2018
Not all variations
by: Anonymous

Doesn’t apply to the question 34 is _____ less than 17.

Jun 29, 2010
Check out this page
by: Zach

You can learn how to solve "More than" & "Less than" questions at

Jun 29, 2010
What is the method to resolve "More Than" & "Less than" questions
by: Anonymous

Can you share with me the method of solving such questions as I can't find it in the website.

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