Grade2 Math Forum

Welcome to our Grade2 Math Forum for Parents where you can help and be helped! We will do our utmost to answer your questions to the best of our knowledge and experience.

I encourage you to jump in, share a story, ask a question or answer one.

Forum Discussion Guidelines

We want to create a friendly and positive environment where everyone feels welcome and can come to learn, share and communicate.

Please bring your best self to our forum. We ask that you follow our simple forum guidelines.

1. Be respectful and courteous to others at all times.

2. Please do not submit advertisements! This forum is for sharing and discussion. You MAY use a signature file at the end of your message with a link to your business site, or to your Facebook or My Space page.

3. Anyone who submits unsolicited advertisements to the forums will be removed and will not be able to post again. We have a ZERO tolerance policy on this.

4. Help and Be Helped - If you ask a question and receive a helpful answer, come back another time and help someone else if you can.

I hope you enjoy your visit with us!

Ask Grade 2 Question or Post Answer/Comment

Send us your Grade 2 kids math question and we will attempt to provide a solution using the Model Method where possible.

Please post only 1 question per submission so that we can group the questions under different Concept Models to facilitate all users' future searches for similar questions.

There is no limit to the number of questions you can ask here, just post each question separately.

Visitors to this Forum can also post their answers to your questions.

If it is impossible or not efficient to solve using the Model Method, we will attempt to solve it using other Singapore Math Heuristics.

What Other Visitors Have Said

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This is the first year for Singapore math in our school. I am a second grade teacher and need some ideas on how to catch these kids up who have not had …

How would you model this problem? Not rated yet
A tugboat traveled 1,2000 miles on 60 gallons of gas. How far could this tugboat travel on 90 gallons of gas? Zach's Answer:

math with model Not rated yet
Tom, Rom and Joe have a total of 13 marbles. Ron has 3 more marbles than Tomand 2 more marbles than Joe. How many marbles does Ron have? Zach's Answer: …

Julio Castro Not rated yet
my daughter is have issues with timed subtraction test and is lagging with some of the needed math skills for the next Zach's Answer: …

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