Mrs.pitts,Christians mom

by Farrah
(Port orange ,Florida )

What is the box method in 5thgrade mathematics? Does anyone know. I'm stumped and so is my son,whom tutors kids his own age,10yrs. Old so he is even stumped when his teacher suggested using this method , any help is welcomed our email is

Thanks all
Mrs. Pitts and Christian

Ps. It has to do with multiplication

Zach's Answer:

I think they are referring to the Model Method from Singapore Math. To learn how to draw models for multiplication, go to multiplication concept.

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May 20, 2014
they may have meant this...
by: Ms. J

If it was regarding multi-digit multiplication, they may have meant a strategy also called windowpane or partial products. I am not endorsing the link I am inserting, it just has a sample problem that may help clarify. Basically, just separate the factors into expanded form (place value).For 73x85, 73 becomes 70+3 and 85 becomes 80+5. Draw a 2x2 box (2 rows, 2 columns, so it has 4 squares). Along the top, place the 70 above one column, and the 3 above the other. Along the left side, put the 80 next to the top row, and the 5 below it next to the bottom row. Now it becomes like the times table, where the product is written at the intersection of the row and column. In the top left box, where the 70 and 80 intersect, write 5600. At the top right, where the 3 and 80 come together, write 240. Lower left will be 350 (5x70), and lower right is 15 (3x5). Now add all those partial products.(5600+240+350+15=6205)

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